Welcome to the Team!
We are so glad you have decided to join us here at Big Fish Academy. Here are the next steps to the employment process:
Step 1
Application: Click the image to the left to fill out our application.
Step 2
Paperwork: Your employee paperwork should be in your email from the website egenie.com. If you have any questions or have not received this email, please contact Linda, our Director. Her contact information is hbacademy@campbigfish.org or
Click the icon above for fingerprinting instructions
Step 3
Schedule Fingerprinting: Schedule this appointment as soon as possible, as you can't start work until this has been completed and cleared.
Once fingerprinted, either bring the receipt they give you to the Big Fish Office, or text it to 615-403-0518 so it can be placed in your employment file. When fingerprinting has been scheduled, if you have lived in other states in the past 5 years we will email you those other states paperwork requirements. These will need to be returned to us ASAP.
Step 4
Schedule a Physical: Schedule this appointment as soon as possible, as you can't start work until your physical is complete. This needs to be completed by a licensed professional and emailed to us for your file. If you have had a physical within this year, you can send the form to your physician to sign. This is at your cost.
Click the icon above for a Blank Physical
Step 5
Trainings: Please complete the following trainings prior to your first day of work. Please print the training certificates and email them to Linda at hbfacademy@campbigfish.org or email them through the Prosolutions portal.
Step 7
Please download the app, GroupMe and our director will add you to the communication board for employees.

Step 9
We are excited to have YOU as a part of our Big Fish Family!! Once you have completed all of the above steps, our leadership will contact you to setup an onsite orientation and training.
Contact Linda, Director, if you have any questions hbfacdemy@campbigfish.org or